Sunday, May 15, 2022

Male and Female He Created Them-Genesis 5:2

He Created Them and Called their Name Adam"

  The world descended from Adam, that is, Adam and Eve--one couple--two halves of humanity, male and female. Equal but not identical. The mystery of human gender is like the mystery of Christ and the church (Ephesians 5). The church is the body of Christ, but the church is not divine--so Adam and Eve are united, but they are not the same; however, each is present in the union.

Trip to the UK and Ireland

    Judy has put photographs on Facebook. I am writing a few words of comment. The tour guide for our trip was Mike Smith and his wife Sharon. I have known them both from childhood or youth. I don't remember when I met Mike; he was just always there in church and in school. He was a college roommate and the one who introduced me to Judy. Sharon I met in Junior High School before Mike and Sharon became an item. Mike and I entered ministry at the same time and have had the blessing of serving the church for many years. He with his gift of music and me as a pastor. In retirement Mike transferred his experience in mission and choir travels to become a travel expert for trips like the one we took. He also continues to do mission trips, particularly leading choir ministries. We were eager to spend time with him and Sharon on this tour.  

    The trip was inspirational, as any trip with Mike would be (check out Crosskeys). We saw the Olney Church where John Newton wrote "Amazing Grace." We saw Coventry Cathedral which proclaimed in the ruins from WWII and in its re-building the theme of forgiveness. 

    In Scotland we walked Edinburgh and St. Andrews. We met friends Scott and Leslie McHaney for lunch. They live in Crief and drove in to see us. The country side was magnificent in Scotland and Ireland. The Gorse against the Barley was dramatic in its beauty.

    Of course, much more could be said. The trip was filled with sights and experiences I have not mentioned, including Judy's wrenching the hand off a knight's armor. We made new friends and heard marvelous music from Mike and other musicians in our group. I did not have to sing (I did give one devotional), but I basked in the wonder of music and laughter and hills of gold and green. 

A Poem for Children and Grandchildren

Puddle Jumper

Puddle jumper loves to cuddle,

melting my heart into a muddle.

A hug for every greeting,

a hug for every parting.

In between, many a snuggle.

Whenever it rains a puddle

I remember Jumper's cuddle.

My heart burgled, a tear flowing.

Puddle Jumper

Puddle Jumper grew to settle 

somewhere else; still I see a puddle

and it comes again, the melting.

Hugs and cuddles I am remembering.

Being far away, still in a muddle,

Puddle Jumper

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