Friday, July 29, 2022

Genesis 11:4 - Confusion

 Genesis 11:4 - "Let us make a name." To make a name implied self-direction. The struggle for humanity: to grow, to develop, to become all that being in the image of God promises without perverting that image through pridefulness and violence. The Lord gave the people a name: Babel! They aspired to the wrong goals, and the result was God's judgement. Babel means confusion. Aspiration was not bad; it is good. Building, creating--being a steward of talent and resources is good. To use talent and resources to make a name, that is, a life apart from God is not good, and such perversion of ability leads to confusion.


Humility. I believe that almost every spiritual problem can be solved by humility. One way to understand humility is to see it as accuracy. Humility means seeing and describing yourself as you are without defensiveness or exaggeration. Humility requires self-awareness which means to recognize your strengths and to recognize your weaknesses and limitations. In this understanding pride is a subset of humility. To take pride in one's work and to be willing to offer one's abilities in service to others is good. Such pride produces a confidence that is well-founded. A humble person can be confident. So self-awareness includes this desire to be a good steward of one's strengths. At the same time humility requires the desire and commitment to improve one's deficits to the degree possible. Humility is both self-awareness and self-forgetfulness. To be self-forgetful as an expression of humility means that a person is eager to listen to others, to work at understanding others and to be helpful as wanted and needed by others. Listening is first an inclination and then a skill. People who have assertive personalities may need to work harder at wanting to listen. If they do not have the inclination to listen they can still become listeners through discipline. Listening is essential to understanding, but understanding often requires more, particularly, when cultural, racial, language, education, gender, life experiences, and parenting differences create world views that diverge. So pridefulness, unwillingness to see things as they really are is the opposite of humility, but pride is a subset of humility. In Genesis 11 the people became prideful which led to confusion and destruction. Peter reminded the church that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5).


As in all matters of virtue grace is the beginning point. Humility is a picture of salvation. Jesus told a story of two men who went to pray. One man, religious leader, prayed with gratitude that he was not like the other man who had come to pray. He was grateful not to be a sinner. The second man fell on his face and acknowledged his sin and prayed to be forgiven. Jesus asked which man left the place of prayer right with God. Sin, wrong doing, separates us from God when we do not acknowledge it. In everyone's life, except perhaps one who is mentally ill, there is an awareness of right and wrong. To refuse to accept this reality of sin is to persist in wrong doing and to separate oneself from God who is both loving and righteous. God's loved expressed in grace that offers forgiveness puts us right with God when we acknowledge and ask forgiveness for our sins.


Grandchildren. Yesterday I showed Stone, our four-year old grandson, a picture of himself with his siblings when he was less than one year old, and I asked him if he recognized everyone in the picture. He named them all, and said, "I'm the baby!" I have enjoyed watching each one of my grandchildren grow from infant to child and now to watch our granddaughter become a teenager. Each stage is wonderful. At the dinner table last evening the youngest was crying, and the oldest was helping him with instructions: "take a deep breath, drink some water." The wonder of family humbles me. We grow into maturity and help the one behind us grow, too. It is a good picture of the church family. We have in every church different ages of faith, and those ages are not necessarily matched by years. Some are older chronologically but younger spiritually. Still, the goal in our church family is to help the ones who are younger to grow to maturity. It is a wonder of family life.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Genesis 10:1 - Is it the end?

Genesis 10:1.  Even after the catastrophic flood--which changed the world--life did not come to an end. The end belongs to the providence of God. What belongs to people living is a responsibility before God to give thanks for the life that was passed to us, and to accept our responsibility to act in a way that will bless those who live into the future beyond us. Although we cannot determine what others will do, let us who believe do all within our power to leave the world a better place for the future.


A friend, Frank Johnson, gave a talk one Sunday night years ago at Memorial Baptist Church in which he made reference to the writings of the son of Adoniram Judson. The son wrote that anyone who is prospering today can look back and see that his or her prosperity (spiritual not just financial) is tied to the suffering of someone who went before us. Likewise, when we suffer we can know that God will redeem our suffering in order to bless someone who comes after us. This understanding of the connection between generations and between people living in community is biblical. There is a corporate identity in the Bible that westerners sometimes miss with our individualism. This corporate identity is the basis of Christian humanitarianism. 


There was a time in English villages when a bell would toll from the church to announce news of the death or near death of someone in the community. John Donne (1571-1631) wrote a devotional about the bell that tolls.

Now, this Bell tolling softly for another, saies to me, Thou must die.

    Perchance hee for whom this Bell tolls, may bee so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; And perchance I may thinke my self so much better than I am, as that they who are about mee, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for mee, and I know not that . . . .As therefore the Bell that rings to a Sermon, calls not upon the Preacher only, but upon the Congregation to come; so this Bell calls us all: but how much more mee, who am brought so neere the doore by this sicknesse . . . . No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were; Any Mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.

(Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, 1624), Meditation 17.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Genesis 9- The Rainbow

Genesis 9:13. The rainbow reminds humanity that God is not against us. God created life. God is always at work to bless us with the beauty and the truth of creation. It is God's covenant promise to the world.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022.  Our extended family and friends gathered at Arlington National Cemetery for the graveside service of Knox Clinton. My cousin Cynthia--whom I have known all my life--was married to Knox. They were together delightful in ways that are now lost to us. We mourn the passing of this good Christian man who exemplified the virtues of cheerfulness, courtesy and constancy. He was a helper to all within his circle and was one who easily expanded his circle to include the stranger in need. Knox understood that God made all of us, and as God loves us all, so we, too, should love all. I am grateful and enriched to have known Knox.


The Day is Done

A wind in the red maple this morning

with its leaves like hands of children waving,

on the way, perhaps, to school, giggling. 

I smile as they send to me their greeting.

Not so welcome is the afternoon's harsh breeze.

The wind grows for it is not here to ease.

Unpredictable, dangerous it seems

strong now as youth, only itself to please.

The wind changes again by evening.

It suits me better to see the leaves

at peace once more as the dark descends and

colors disappear, and the day is done.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Genesis 8 - Noah with Thoughts on the Supreme Court

The Lord promised Noah as recorded in Genesis 8:22 that "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." The continuity, regularity, dependability of the natural order stands as a grace of God. This order enables humanity to learn, to produce, to prosper. This grace blesses all living creatures and gives life profound potential, marred only by sin (21) which God chooses to engage and change without reducing human freedom. 

God entrusted humankind from the beginning with the power to bring life into existence through the union of a man and a woman. This union is part of the natural order which God reaffirmed to Noah. The questions of life and death have accompanied the stewardship entrusted to humans from creation. Today we focus those questions primarily on the matter of abortion though people have struggled with war and capital punishment and euthanasia, rationing of health care, the contrast of resources for the basics of life that exist in different ways for the poor and the rich and other matters that influence who lives and who dies and when. Sometimes, lost in the discussion is the reality that all who live will die. The question is how they will live and when they will die. God in his providence has given humans the ability to bring life into existence and to participate in the decisions that may bring life to an end. 

The Supreme Court ruled on Friday June 24 that the question of abortion will be dependent upon the people of the nation working through their representatives in state government. Pro-life advocates and pro-choice advocates will work together through their elected officials to find a way to meet the concerns of all. "To work together" is euphemistic. It will be a struggle for power. The Supreme Court has pushed this question of life and death back to the people to face. It will create controversy and many will feel hurt by the decisions that are made. From a pro-life viewpoint the ones with the most to lose are the unborn, and they, of course, have no voice in the decisions to be made. Both sides in my experience tend to talk past each other and see no possible way that the other side could have an insight that deserves to be acknowledged or incorporated into a decision for the state to follow. 

This inability or unwillingness to listen to the other side has not always been hardened in the way it is today. 

In 1971 the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution on abortion that read as follows: "Be it resolved, that this Convention express the belief that society has a responsibility to affirm through the laws of the state a high view of the sanctity of human life, including fetal life, in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and Be it further resolved, that we call upon Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of emotional, mental and physical health of the mother.  

By 1989 which was ten years after the conservative resurgence in the Southern Baptist Convention the resolution on abortion was different. In 1989 the only basis that the Convention affirmed as a possible reason for abortion was "to prevent the imminent death of the mother." The Convention had become more conservative on multiple issues, not just abortion, but this position change may have been influenced by the Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade in 1973 which took the question of abortion out of the state legislatures. In this way the Court made it difficult to search for points of agreement so that most people joined one side or the other.

The Catholic Church has held a consistent position on abortion and on the question of when life begins. However, the Catholic Church does allow procedures to save a mother's life which may result in death of the unborn child. In these cases the Church does not call the procedure an abortion. 

I am hopeful that the coming debate--power struggle--concerning abortion will go beyond shouting the other side down. I am hopeful that Christians, in particular, will understand that abortion cannot be treated in isolation from other pro-life questions. I am hopeful that a consensus will develop in the nation. I am pro-life. I believe that the promise to Noah means that God has given us responsibility for producing life, protecting life, enriching life. I am grateful that the Supreme Court has pushed the question of abortion back to the people so that we can make decisions together that respect our shared life in this country and that we will all make our arguments as best we know how with respect and kindness toward others. Jesus commanded us to love our enemies. Even if we think people who disagree with us are "enemies" we have the guidance of the Lord to treat those "enemies" with love.