Thursday, March 31, 2022

Genesis Two - One Flesh

Genesis 2:24

". . . and they shall become one flesh."

History has unfolded in ways that separate men and women so that they often seem to have competing interests. Men and women are meant to work together; what's good for one is good for the other. Because of size and strength men have been able to dominate women, but this domination is not God's will. Theories abound on relationships between men and women, but only occasionally does one hear the message of Genesis 2:24 celebrated. It is essential to start with this teaching: we are one flesh. In that message is the unity God intended. 


Perhaps, you've had the same experience I've had when visiting friends and family. I feel closer to my loved ones when I've made the commitment to travel to them in person. The hugs we share and sitting together for a meal make for an intimacy that a phone call or email message cannot create. To laugh or cry with the ups and downs of our lives gives perspective that enriches and strengthens my life. 

Judy and I have visited in North Carolina and South Carolina. We have visited in Greensboro, the Myrtle Beach area, Beaufort, Columbia, Black Mountain and Asheville. Now we are in Cookeville, Tennessee and plan to stop tomorrow in Marion, Virginia on our way back to Charlottesville. In over a thousand miles of travel we have seen the landscape change. Each place has beauty of its own: ocean, marshland, farmland and mountains, as well as towns and cities. These sights bring blessings when I pause to appreciate them. Trees and birds and weather are different in one area from those in another. The housing is different. The stores--if you look for the local offerings--are different, too. The exploration delights me.

It pleases me to meet people in the regions we've traveled.  Friendliness abounds. A dulcimer player sitting on a sidewalk in Asheville entered into a conversation with Judy about the joys of music and moved into encouragement for her to pull her dulcimer down from the wall. On occasion casual conversations have moved to discussions of faith, but whether the conversations move deeper or not I have a sense of the humanity we share with others, even strangers, when I travel. 

The Billy Graham Training Center at the Cove near Black Mountain North Carolina was on our itinerary. We attended a concert, spent the night at Pilgrim's Inn and toured the Chapel. The retreat was brief but meaningful. We plan to return soon for a stay that includes a seminar and time for hiking and  a visit to the Ruth Graham prayer garden. 


Congratulations to the John Leland Center for Theological Studies! This week a team from the Association for Theological Schools visited Leland. In the coming weeks Leland will receive a report from the ATS team that visited. I am hopeful the report will lead to re-accreditation for Leland. I am grateful to God for all the team that prepared for this visit from ATS. To complete the self study and go through the visit from ATS is an accomplishment that came as a result of the faculty, staff, administration, board, students and alumni all working together. I know it was an accomplishment that required sacrifice by many. I am grateful that Leland has completed its study and accreditation visit. I am confident God will continue to bless Leland. Congratulations to the new president of Leland, Dr. Kenneth Pruitt. He will do the work with excellence and lead Leland into a new era of growth and impact for the work of the kingdom.

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