Mark 13:2 “Do you see all these great buildings?”
Mark 13 is an apocalyptic discourse that includes a reference to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. This chapter, also, describes the return of Christ (v. 26) and the passing away of heaven and earth (v. 31). Concerning the end Jesus said that no one knows the time (v. 32). The best preparation, Jesus admonished his disciples, is to watch and pray (v. 34, KJV) and live each day as if it could be the end of days.
Jesus gave this teaching in response to his disciples’ expressed wonder at the grandeur of the temple. Jesus warned that this building—grand as it was—would not endure. Its destruction would be total (v. 2). This destruction of the temple occurred in 70 A.D. when the Romans put down a rebellion in Jerusalem with the destruction of the city.
Jesus described the razing of the temple as “birth pangs” (v. 8 NIV). The temple’s demise was necessary, in part, so that the grandeur of buildings could be replaced by a spiritual kingdom that would spread to all the earth (v. 10). The kingdom of God could not then and cannot now be contained in a building.
Now, as then, buildings can get in the way of kingdom work. Cathedrals are magnificent to visit, but they are too often empty of worshipers. Even more modest buildings can become a drain on resources and siphon attention away from the church’s mission. So, empty cathedrals and run-down church buildings of any size that are devouring resources remind us that the kingdom is made of people not stones; the church is Christ’s body, a spiritual building, not a material one.
Grandchildren. Singer (my preferred nickname; his siblings call him Squeaker) is now fifteen weeks old and is awakening from his infancy to the world about him. He seems delighted with his discovery. Both Sweetie Pie and Mr. Happy have been able to get him to smile for a long time. Gal and I have had some happy responses from him as well. Last night, however, in response to his mother’s smile he was giggling which made all the rest of us giggle, too. Another milestone, this weekend he turned over for the first time. He is growing!
i turn over a lot but haven't giggled in a long long time