John 17:8 "I have sent them into the world."
The prayer of Jesus in John 17 petitioned God the Father to protect the disciples (v.11) for Jesus was leaving the world, but the disciples would remain in the world where they would endure hatred as they fulfilled their mission to speak truth to evil. (v.17-18)
Jesus expanded his prayer to include the believers who would come later (v. 20) and be united with the disciples in the mission to live in but not of the world, to be a countersign so that through their witness the people of the world might come to believe in Jesus (v. 21) and through him be reconciled to God. (v. 23)
The church gave its witness in a pagan world where the life and message of Jesus were countersigns indeed. The pagan culture celebrated gladiators who fought and killed one another in arenas for public entertainment. The pagan culture practiced infanticide; the culture condoned pederasty. Prostitution was legal. Idolatry, including Emperor worship, was universal. Slavery was an economic pillar of the world.
Richard Niebuhr wrote a book in 1951 entitled Christ and Culture. He described various responses the church has made to the world through the centuries. At times it has been “Christ against culture;” at times, it has been a “Christ of culture.” He saw the church at times holding “Christ and culture in paradox.” At times it was “Christ above culture;” At its best, the church has lived so that the response is “Christ transforming culture.”
In this generation, as in the first century, the church has the prayer of Jesus--a reminder that we can expect the message of truth about Christ to be met with hatred, but we can, also, depend upon the protection of God as we live a countersign; as we live in the world but not of the world; as we live to transform culture.
Grandchildren. Sweetie Pie and Mr. Happy were with us one afternoon this week when the temperatures soared over 80 degrees, and the sky was a cloudless blue. So, we got out the sprinkler and they donned their swimming wear. We have a small wading pool which they filled as well. To our surprise they even used two inflatable plastic rings, and Mr. Happy put on goggles. However, the best moment came when Sweetie Pie asked us if we wanted her to show us something funny. We, of course, said yes. She got one of our beach towels and spread it out on the grass. Then she lay down and remained as still as she could. She was copying the sunbathing she’d seen older girls and women do. She laughed, and we did, too. How funny to lay down in the sun when one could be running and jumping in the sprinkler.
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