Mark 1:40-45 -- “Jesus was indignant.” (Verse 41, NIV)
The NIV translation reads that “Jesus was indignant.” In the KJV and several other translations one reads that Jesus was moved with “compassion,” not indignation. Both translations have support, but the two ideas take the reader in different directions. What are the implications if the reading is indignation?
The word compassion fits well with our understanding of Jesus. With that word this miracle is another sign of the kingdom of God breaking into the world which is gripped by suffering and death. The ministry of Jesus serves as a model for the church. We, too, are called to relieve suffering and to proclaim the promise of resurrection in face of death.
If Jesus’ healing of the man with leprosy is accompanied by indignation then our understanding of this miracle becomes more complex. It reveals the difficulty that Jesus faced in ministry. The leper came to Jesus with a challenge: “if you choose, you can make me clean.” (verse 40) This question contains an implied criticism. The leper suggested in his question the possibility that Jesus would choose to ignore suffering and to do nothing for its relief.
When we feel anger we are getting a signal that something in our situation is wrong. The Bible teaches us "be angry but do not sin." (Eph. 4:26, RSV) We are to listen to our anger and evaluate the warning signal; perhaps, all that’s needed is to ignore foolishness, but it is also possible that anger warns us against harmful ideas or potentially harmful actions.
The leper questioned the motives of Jesus. The indignation Jesus felt was a signal that something was wrong in the situation. Instead of coming in humility and trust the leper came with a challenge. Jesus did heal the man, but then he “sternly” (verse 43) warned him to follow up this healing with two steps. The leper disobeyed both instructions of Jesus. He did not go to the religious leaders for validation of his healing, and instead of being quiet about the miracle he immediately told everyone that Jesus had healed him.
This man’s disobedience resulted in such large crowds seeking Jesus that he “could no longer go into a town openly.” (verse 45) The leper’s disobedience worked against the purposes of the very one who showed him compassion. Doing good is difficult.
When the church ministers to people it will sometimes happen that the people served will question our motives. They may not understand and not cooperate with the help that is offered. Jesus faced that ministry challenge with the leper, and the church has the same challenge in its ministry as well. Compassion and indignation may both accompany the work of the church.
Kenneth Leech. “Religion goes disastrously astray when it ceases to be a sign of contradiction and becomes the cement for social conformity.” (We Preach Christ Crucified, p.10)
Dear Sir, thank you for sharing the amazing insight Praise the Lord. Regards