Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Unknown God

Acts 17:23

In my first philosophy class in college on the first day of class the professor said, “Everyone is a philosopher; the question is whether you want to be a good philosopher.”  He wanted us to be thoughtful about life, but our professor knew that becoming thoughtful about one’s life takes more than meeting the requirements of a course in college. As a Christian he believed and taught us the importance of a foundation of faith as well as the importance of reason and history and literature and science. He understood, as well, that trial and error were teachers, too, but they were oft times cruel in their methods of instruction. Thus, one did well to learn as much as possible from the experience of others whether that learning came from books or came from relationships with family and friends. Most of all, reflection on life meant prayer and Bible study and worship and service and giving. To learn philosophy from the professor I had, Dr. Paul Brewer, helped me, and I am grateful that I studied with him.

In Acts 17, the text I am reflecting on in this blog, we find Paul the Apostle in Athens engaged with philosophers. Just like my teacher in college these philosophers sought to find meaning in daily life that transcended daily matters. He spoke to a meeting of the council that gathered on the hill named Areopagus. He preached to Epicureans, and Stoics as well as Pagans who worshiped multiple gods. Paul characterized the people of Athens as “very religious” (verse 22). Paul’s critique of Athenian religion two thousand years ago speaks helpfully to me about the religious culture of America in the 21st century.

In the west the culture appears to be increasingly irreligious. People appear to be, in the words of Schleiermacher, “cultured despisers of religion,” but the seeming irreligion of the west is in my view best understood as religion in a different language, not as irreligion. All people are theologians. Secular people who do not use religious language are, nonetheless, as religious as those who use religious language. As the theologian, Paul Tillich, explained, people are doing what religious language means by theology whenever they express their dedication to an unconditional concern. The concern can be the climate or one’s family or politics or art or business or pleasure or a career or any other endeavor that is pursued unconditionally. Whatever one addresses with unconditional concern is one’s god, and that concern is the practice of what I understand to be the doing of theology. 

Paul Tillich wanted to develop vocabulary that both religious and secular people could share in order to engage with one another about their respective unconditional concerns. Tillich affirmed that Christian faith requires a decision about the claims of Jesus that is unavoidable. However, Tillich saw that people sometimes decide against a faith commitment because they reject religious language with which they cannot identify and don’t fully understand. Even people who have grown up in what we call religious homes have sometimes matured in ways that make the religious language of their youth inadequate for the concerns they have as adults. 

In Athens Paul the Apostle attempted to find a bridge in language between himself and his audience. In the ancient world Christians were accused of atheism because they rejected the Pagan pantheon of gods, and the philosophers were offended by talk of resurrection. They did not take such talk seriously because it did not fit into their understanding of what was possible. Paul extended himself to the people at the Areopagus by speaking of the “unknown god,” and quoting the words of one of their own, explaining that God is not far from any of us because, “in Him we live and move and have our being.” The message of Paul resonated among some of the listeners at the Areopagus, and they wanted to hear more. The Gospel found a hearing. The cross and the resurrection touched hearts and minds. A church started. (34).

In follow up blogs I want to reflect more on how Paul’s witness in Athens helps me think about my witness. It makes me ask the question, how can I communicate with “cultured despisers” who need as all of us do, the Gospel? How can I grow in compassion and appreciation for those who seem dismissive but are in fact searching for meaning? I have missionary motives.

I have another motive as well. It is my hope that America can be a place of freedom of expression for all religions. For Baptists freedom of religion as well as the separation of church and state have been convictions from the denomination’s founding. Freedom and church-state separation can suffer if a “hidden church” in the guise of irreligion can assume power to enforce its views on others. It is important to democracy and the free exercise of religion for this “hidden church” to be identified so that respect and theological dialogue can be brought into the open. Everyone is a theologian, and everyone will benefit when we can talk with each other and disagree with each other about theology without fear that our religious views will be sanctioned by government.


Travels. Judy and I took a vacation to see Jason and Amanda in Madison. Wisconsin. Their house is on Lake Mendota which provides views each evening of the sun sinking and rippling across the water. We went with them to Milwaukee to see an exhibit of Van Gogh. It was a digital immersion. The experience plunges one into the works of the artist. Van Gogh’s work appears on the four walls, the floor and the ceiling. I have seen his paintings in galleries and studied Van Gogh, but this exhibit gave me new insights to my favorite artist. One day we went to the farmer’s market which surrounds the state Capitol. I brought out my camera to capture the flower stall displays. Judy bought cheese curds to share. We walked more than usual (our doctor son getting us the exercise we need). We browsed book stores which is a favorite Smith family past time. We, also, visited a place called The House on the Rock. Mostly we visited with each other and talked about matters big and small, sharing meals and “catching up.” For a parent who lives a thousand miles from a son this time was a treasure. Jason and Amanda are in process to become foster parents and in time adoptive parents. Madison is often described as a good place in which to raise a family. We are excited with them for the joy ahead in sharing life with a child.

On the way to Madison we stopped in Georgetown, Ohio to visit the “Boyhood Home of U.S. Grant.” We spent the night down the street from Grant’s home in a bed and breakfast which had been the home of friends to the Grant family. A meeting of a committee for the Grant boyhood home met at the bed and breakfast where we were staying. It was fun to interact with people whose interest in U.S. Grant is as great as mine.

On the way home we visited Janice Brazil in Richmond, Indiana. She is a friend of over forty years. Her son, Ben, and his family live in Richmond where Ben is a professor at the Earlham School of Religion. I enjoyed talking with Ben about theological education and seeing Laura, his wife, and the children—all living on the same street as Janice, just a half block away in a neighborhood that might be the set for Bedford Falls (It’s a Wonderful Life).

Having a son who turns fifty this December and friends whom I’ve known for forty years makes me realize I am a senior adult! Actually I have a few friends of sixty-five years, a few cousins of more than seventy years, a brother of more than sixty years. All these long time relationships make me grateful for each day of life with family and friends. Though, in fact, time is not the most important aspect in my relationships. I have friends and family that I’ve only recently met (Grandson Stone is only three), but new friends, just as long time friends and new family, just as family of long knowing, are as dear to me as life itself.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Church Beloved

Ephesians 5:25

“Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her . . .”

This statement in Ephesians that “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,” does not mean that Christ loved the church only or loved the church instead of the world or loved the church more than the world. The passage in Ephesians does mean that Christ gave himself to his disciples in a unique way. Jesus gave up his ministry of physical presence on earth so that the church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, could begin its work of taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. In this sense the church is beloved. The church is not loved more than the world. The church is beloved by its being entrusted with the Gospel.

In John’s Gospel we find these remarkable words of Jesus “. . .whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these . . .” (John 14:12) No one could take these words of Jesus to mean that the church would do anything greater than the cross and the resurrection. So, these words, “greater works,” mean something else.  

In only one way is the church greater. The church has taken the Gospel, the news of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the dead to the world. Jesus went to the Father. He ascended after the resurrection. To the church he gave the ministry of evangelism. To the church was given the work of spreading the Gospel to people who never heard the voice of Jesus or saw his wonders. This truth recalls the encounter between Thomas and Jesus in one of the post resurrection appearances. Thomas made the declaration before Jesus, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus responded to Thomas, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) The church has received the blessing of faith, and the church has been the means by which God has given this blessing to the world.

Speaking of "beloved church," tomorrow (Sunday July 11) Judy and I are going (DV) for worship to Memorial Baptist Church in Arlington where Dr. Drew Hill is pastor. This church is beloved by Judy and me. We spent almost twenty years at Memorial for which we are grateful to God. After service we are going to a birthday celebration for one of the church members, Mrs. Nellie Grant, who turns 100 years old. Nellie is a friend to whom I will be grateful forever because she reached out to my parents with attention and love, especially in the days of their illnesses and deaths. Many will want to come to share this special day with Nellie because she has cared through the years for many just as  she cared for my family. 


Grandchildren. On the 4th of July our granddaughter, with parental help, hosted a party for their immediate neighbors in the Belmont neighborhood in Charlottesville where they live. Mostly young adults with their children attended the party. The weather cooperated. We enjoyed food, drink and decorations made by the children. Listening to the neighbors of my son and daughter-in-law as they visited in the back yard, I realized that these young adults were remarkable people who talked of significant matters with civility and thoughtfulness. Although I was taken with the high level of education and significant work they were all engaged in doing I was humbled by the way they talked without drawing attention to themselves. Gentle, thoughtful, convicted and open to hearing and learning. It was a party to remember. Leaving I felt confident about a future in the hands of these folks. As we began to leave we came upon our youngest grandson, age 3, crying inconsolably. His big sister, age 12--the party organizer--was trying to console him. He had seen someone leave the party, and he knew it meant the party would soon be over. He didn't want it to end. It was poignant for me to feel his sensitivity, the realization at a child's level of understanding, that good things come to an end. In time he will be relieved to learn that bad things come to an end as well, and most of all I want him to learn that "all things" (happy or sad) when put in the hands of the one for whom time never ends or begins--all things work together for good.


Reading. I have learned--I think--not to recommend books. What I like in a book may be due to a  moment in my life which the book addresses, and that moment likely does not match what is happening in someone else's life. A  book seems right for me, but it's not right for you. I like to share what I am reading, not in order to get you to read it, too. I share what I am reading in the thought that someone else may be reading the same book with appreciation and in that shared appreciation I may find a friend or a colleague whom I didn't know I had.  Less and less do I read books all the way through. I am an impatient reader. However, here is a book I am reading for the second time. The first time through I stopped reading it multiple times because I was unhappy with what I read, but for some reason I felt compelled to pick it up again. I finished it, and I am now reading it through for the second time, and I am underlining and making notes in the margins. The book is a collection of essays by Wendell Berry put together by Norman Wirzba. The book is entitled The Art of the Commonplace: the Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry. Many years ago I read fiction by Wendell Berry, and I liked his fiction, especially Jayber Crowe. I knew from what others told me that he was a bit of a Luddite, so I didn't read more than his fiction until now. I wonder if I should have read him sooner, but that speculation doesn't get me anywhere. I rest on the thought (see above) that "all things work together for good." When the right time came the book appeared.

Of course, as a student and now as a teacher I have read books on assignment, and I have assigned books. So, I am not consistent. What I wrote in the previous paragraph is not exactly the way I do things. I do recommend the Bible to people with caution. Reading the Bible straight through is seldom the best way to approach Scripture. It is better to start with more accessible parts. Read the "Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 5-7. Read the "Love Chapter," 1 Corinthians 13 or read the "Gospel of John." Read Genesis 37-50. Read the book of Proverbs. Read Esther. Read the prophet Amos. As the Bible gets into your "bones" (Jereimiah 20:9) you will enjoy expanding your reading, and you will read the Bible all your life. The Bible is an adult book. Do not think it will be easy reading. It will be profound. It will satisfy your thirst and hunger for meaning in life (Psalm 42:1), but it will not be easy. Mark Twain was asked, "Doesn't it bother you all the parts of the Bible you don't understand?" He replied, "No. what bothers me are all the parts I do understand." 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Genesis One

In the Beginning God

Genesis chapter one is a picture in words. It gives us a first look at how we can view what it means to know God. Earth, our human dwelling place, had a temporal beginning; it is not eternal. God has provided it as a place for the purpose of bringing forth human life. The earth was made beautiful, orderly and good. The creation was to be a place of time. The creation was to be a place of continued flourishing. The creation was a place in which human beings—male and female—were meant to take responsibility. This entrusted dominion over the earth helps one understand that what we do with life on earth—how we treat this place—gives us insight to our relationship with God. Te be human—in the image of God—means in part, to be responsible to God for the creation given by God  and the creation continued for God.


My reading bag. I carry around a canvas bag filled with books that I am reading. Occasionally, I read something else, too, usually a mystery of some sort. But in my reading bag this first week of 2021 I have nine books.

Wendell Berry, The Art of the Commonplace (second time through) 

Ellen Davis, Scripture, Culture, and Agriculture

Edwin Friedman, Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix, A Failure of Nerve (second time through)

Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac

C.S. Lewis, Perelandra

Paul Lovejoy, Transformations in Slavery (African Studies)

Don Reid, The Music of The Statler Brothers: An Anthology (Music and the American South) 

Alan Taylor, Thomas Jefferson’s Education

Roland de Vaux, Ancient Israel, Religious Institutions


Our grandchildren continue to teach us. This new year I greet 2021 as they have taught me when they jump from the car and run toward me with laughter shining in their faces, “Hi Pal!” Life, each day, is a gift to greet with joy.