Mark 1:21-28 “. . .he taught them as one who had authority . . .” (Verse 22, NIV)
As moderns we naturally ask when reading this passage if demons are real? That question about demons and exorcism is important, but it’s not the first question to ask. Guided by the account in Mark one we would do better to start as the text does with the question: whose teaching has authority? The people were amazed at Jesus before the exorcism. His clarity and his confidence set him apart from other teachers, and then they were further amazed at how far his authority extended. In astonishment they said, “He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.” (Mark 1:27)
Reading further in the Gospel we find that the disciples are astounded that Jesus had authority over nature. When he calmed a storm they exclaimed, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:41 NIV) He healed the sick; he raised the dead; he walked on water; he miraculously fed a multitude with just a few small fish and a few loaves of bread. Jesus was a wonder worker, and his wonders revealed his authority in heaven and on earth. So Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” (Matthew 28:18)
First century people did not question the reality of demon possession. However, they found the possibility that someone could possess authentic authority from God an amazing discovery. We want to start in the same place. We want to understand and acknowledge and yield to the authority of Jesus. Of first importance is to know him, be known by him and to be known as one who walks in his company.
It would be a serious spiritual error to become obsessed with demons and with exorcism. We do not want to make the mistake of Sceva who was an exorcist in Ephesus. He tried to used the name of Jesus to command impure spirits. The evil spirit responded, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” (Acts 19:15 NIV)
When Christ lives in us, and we are empowered by him, we may confront and send away impure spirits that possess the hearts, minds and bodies of our people. Evil is real. People become obsessed. The Gospel, faithfully shared can set them free because all authority in heaven and on earth belongs to Christ.
Books. Island of the Lost, Shipwrecked at the Edge of the World. By Joan Druett. True story of two shipwrecks at different ends of the same island and how they survived. The comparisons between the two groups of survivors unknown to each other makes for a fascinating read and much self reflection.
Church. Click the following link for an inspirational report on the Christian witness in China.